
These are just some of the ways in which life forms die. Life forms which have died are normally described as being dead. Human death is very carefully tracked in case of a killing or something (like a disease) that may continue to kill other humans. Death is usually followed by rituals like the funeral, which have been developed by a religion or the state. When people talk about things or events that lead to the death of an organism, those things or events are usually described as being deadly, or fatal. In the case of diseases, "terminal" is also used quite often. There are many euphemisms for dying. A few examples are, "to pass away", "to go to a better place", and "to kick the bucket."
In ordinary life, death is when the heart stops beating and the lungs stop breathing for more than several minutes. There are special times in which people recover even though the heart has stopped for 30 minutes, such as near-drowning in very cold water. If machines are used to help the heart and lungs work, then the moment of death is more difficult to know.

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