Facts About Niagara Falls

Facts About Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls catches the attention of millions of tourists every year. Renowned for its beauty, it is one of the most wonderful works of nature gathering three massive waterfalls, the American Falls, the Bridal Veil Falls, and the Canadian or Horseshoe Falls, in one awesome sight. These set of splendid waterfalls are located on the Niagara River in eastern North America, in between the Canadian-United States International Border, and both the state of New York and province of Ontario.

There are certain facts about Niagara Falls that are interesting, one of which is that according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) of Niagara Falls, it shows that almost one third of the Canadian or Horseshoe Falls lies within US Territory. The American Falls is in between Prospect Point and Luna Island on the far left, the Bridal Veil is in between Luna Island and the Goat Island in the mid left, and the Canadian Falls is in between Goat Island and Table Rock on the right.

Interesting facts about Niagara Falls include: the name 'Niagara' being derived from the Iroquois Indian word 'Onguiaahra' meaning 'the strait'; that there is an international boundary between the United States and Canada; and that before the invention of cameras and films, tourists would only sketch pictures of the falls.

Other facts about Niagara Falls in history showed that the flow of water was halted over both falls on March 30, 1848 because of an ice jam in the upper river. It is also a fact that until 1912, they allowed visitors to actually walk out on the ice bridge formed during really cold winters, but on February 4, 1912 the ice bridge broke up and cost the lives of three tourists.

Events on Niagara Falls include the movie Superman being filmed in Niagara Falls, adding to its already famous name. Another event that occurred in the past ten years was about two daredevils who lost their lives trying to conquer the unconquerable Niagara Falls. An amazing fact is the intense spotlights that bathe the falls with different shades of color in the evenings, making Niagara Falls one of the most beautiful, breathtaking, and magnificent views in the world.

On the more bizarre facts about Niagara Falls, the first person to go over the falls in a barrel and survived was a female sixty-three year old schoolteacher. Another was that of high wire tightrope acts performed across the river the most famous of which was that of 'Blondin' who once performed the act by carrying his manager on his back across the river stopping midway to rest.

It is also a fact that the falls make a tremendous sound as the water goes over the lands at the bottom. And most importantly, twenty percent of the world's freshwater lies in the Great Lakes and most of it flow over the Niagara Falls.
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