legends of zelda for nintendo wii

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Legends of Zelda for Nintendo wii

Nintendo fans are going gaga over the latest video game console from Nintendo. Not only does the console feature a self-loading bay for 12 cm Wii discs and 8 cm GameCube discs, but the excitement grapples on the futuristic controllers such as the Wii Remote that controls heavily motions on the Legends of Zelda for Nintendo Wii.

Let's face it. Zelda is a wonderful series and the Legends of Zelda for Nintendo Wii enhanced the mind-boggling puzzles and fantastic 3D settings featured in the previous versions of Zelda. Legends of Zelda for Nintendo Wii bears the title "The Legends of Zelda: Twilight Princess". In this version, a kingdom is on the brink of collapse unless you do something about it. Darkness creeps in the whole land blanketing it in eternal darkness.

You play as Link, a pointy-eared goatherd who is caught between the conflict. Link turns into a wolf in the twilight (allowing diverse movements for the character.). Early in the game, Link meets up with Midna, a mischievous little creature that rides on his back while he is in the form of a wolf. If you're familiar with Ocarina in the Zelda series, Midna in the Legends of Zelda for Nintendo Wii will remind you of Navi, the character that can give you hints to help what to do.

The challenge grips on when Link is in wolf form because you can't use items, although as far as combat is concerned, the wolf form is as capable as when Link is in human form. The advantages while in wolf form is you will be able to follow scent trails and locate hidden objects. Early in the game, you might be required to transform back and forth but later in the game you can do just that at will to be more efficient.

Most of the environments you'll encounter in the Legends of Zelda for Nintendo Wii are set on the ground and outdoor places but you'll be solving challenging puzzles and fighting off with masterminds inside temples, which serve as the heart of the game. The first temple you will encounter is a forest temple.

The Legends of Zelda for Nintendo Wii still showcases much of the fun and excitement as in the previous installments but you'll be awed at the colorful graphics that are excellently arranged, and the compelling story will keep you tuned in to the game's 35-hour to 40-hour story. The final part of the game is relatively easy but if you find yourself stuck and drooping on a master, Midna can give you hints on how to get around.

Overall, Legends of Zelda for Nintendo Wii is a great game if you have 60 dollars but it would have been better off if updates were incorporated in the game. Nonetheless, you'll have fun with Legends of Zelda for Nintendo Wii.
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