Horseback Riding In Yosemite

Horseback Riding In Yosemite

Put on your boots and cowboy hat. Yosemite has exciting horseback riding tours for the real-life cowboys and those wanna-be's.

The Yosemite National Park has a rough splendor that beckons tourists from all over the world. Horseback riding in Yosemite can provide you with the best views and can take you to the paths that are inaccessible by vehicles.

The place provides different levels of riding adventures for its guests. Horseback riding in Yosemite for those who are experienced riders may take several hours of journey into the depths of the park. Some even go on camp trips deep into the recesses of the Sierras. Horseback riding in Yosemite is not limited to the experts and adults. Children can have their own riding expeditions. They can ride ponies with guides on the lead. And for those adults who haven't been on a saddle all their lives, they do not just have to stand in the sidelines and watch. There are horseback riding lessons available for all ages as well.

Horseback riding in Yosemite is taken to a whole new level. There are organized horseback riding trips that last for a few days. Experienced guides take care of all the details from the gear, to the horses' feed, to the directions of the trails. There are tourists who travel to the park in groups. They may opt to have a special trip or personalized horseback riding in Yosemite.

There are endless opportunities of horse back riding in Yosemite. Several stables are available within the park that offer varied saddle trips for everyone. For those who wish to bring their own stock, the park allows this, provided the owners adhere to all rules and guidelines implemented by the park's management. For a comprehensive read on this, you may visit their website at

Horseback riding in Yosemite is perfect for those who want to learn the basics of horsemanship. There is actually a Horsemanship Program for those 8 to 20 years old. This camp may last for a day or may take as long as a whole week, teaches its members the techniques on saddling, mounting, dismounting, and bridling. Sleeping quarters and cooking facilities are provided for by the Yosemite Trails. The members, however, are required to bring their own sleeping bags as well as their own food.

And who says only Santa can go on a sleigh ride? Horseback riding in Yosemite is not limited to going on top of a saddle. And winter is not horse-ride-free at all. There are sleigh rides available for those who need more than a Christmas tree to feel the holiday spirit. But of course, if you want the one that flies, you need to book somewhere else for that.
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